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Love is Action
Secret Caregivers Project

Matthew 6:3-4

The purpose of the Love is Action "Secret Caregivers" Project, is to secretly sow tangible and meaningful seeds of encouragement through small but sentimental gestures throughout the year in the lives of family caregivers

who have selflessly committed, dedicated and

sacrificed their lives to care for another. 

Matthew 6:3-4 reads "But when you give to someone in need, don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Give your gifts in private and your Father, who sees everything will reward you.


If you are a family caregiver or if you know of a family care giver that can use seeds of encouragement during your/their

caregiving journey, complete the Secret Caregivers Sign-Up Form

so that we can add you to our Secret Caregivers List.


Secret Caregivers Sign Up

Thanks for Signing Up, We Look Forward To Encouraging You In Secret On Your

Caregiving Journey...

© 2024 Pendlove Inc.

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